Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Third Trimester....I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

So we hit the big 30 today!!  (30 weeks that is)  And he's going to be here before we know it!

Here's what's been going on the past few weeks:

28 Weeks:  Your getting so big that at the doctor's office this week I had to lean over on the scale to look over my stomach and see how much we weigh.   :)

29 Weeks:  Your favorite spot is to be cuddled up on the right side....and normally jabbing your elbow into my ribs!  Matt noticed this week that my belly was lop-sided because you were all balled up on my right side.

29 Week Picture

30 Weeks:  We went to get a glimpse of you through a 4D ultrasound this week!  Not sure who exactly you look like just yet, but we do know that you are as cute as a button!   We also got to see how flexible you are because apparently comfortable to you is stretching your legs by bringing both of your feet in front of your face!!  So at first you were hiding behind your feet, but then we finally got some pics of you.  You are a VERY active baby and kept punching/kicking the nurse every time she rolled over you.  :)

Your not a baldy because we found some hair!

Cute little toes!

Sleepy boy yawning

You look like your pouting in this picture.  :)

The nurse said your nose is dark because there is a shadow from your feet being in front of your face.   :)

Your cuddled up in this picture.  Which means you should be a good snuggle buddy!!

Your hand by your face

Your just as precious as we thought you would be and we can't wait to meet you in person!

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