4 months
You are a happy, healthy baby who loves to smile and talk to yourself now!
Here's what you've been up to:
14 weeks
-You grabbed the rings on your playmat for the first time
-On February 13th you slept in your own crib in your room for the first night. This is a little later than your big bro, and this is mainly due to the pack that I have to plug your mouth with a paci quite a few times at night.
-Your already obsessed with watching TV and big brother's show. You try to turn your head and watch while eating, which is very frustrating for mommy. ;)
-At this point your eating about every 3 1/2 hrs or so
15 weeks
-You've started to suck your bottom lip
-You try to blow bubbles, but instead you just end up saying "boo"
-You try to blow bubbles, but instead you just end up saying "boo"
-You move ALL over the place while sleeping in your crib. You wiggle your way into the corners of the crib and turn yourself completely parallel from the way your were originally laying when I laid you down.
-You talk yourself to sleep most nights
-You favorite thing to say right now is: "oh whoa whoa whoa"
-Your starting to stick your tongue out a lot
-You discovered your hands and like to grab them and play with them
16 weeks
-You've probably done this before this week, but I have just noticed that you finally are opening your hands up rather than keeping them clenched all the time
-You like to grab a hold of your burp cloths now and either hold them to your face or try and eat them
-This week you burped and laughed at yourself. It was pretty cute.
-You pretty much smile at anyone who talks to you, making them feel like they are so special. How sweet of you ;)
-Still on a 3-3 1/2 eating schedule, which means you eat about 5 times a day.
-Sleeping between 9-8
-You held on to your stuffed tiger Grammy gave you and tried to eat it. You also like holding it and talking to it.
17 Weeks
-You found your ears this week, but that pretty much was a sign of an ear infection. So we took you to the doc and found out you had another ear infection. Numero 3.
-When I say you talk a lot, I mean excessively. Your still talking yourself to sleep at night, and sometimes even with your paci in your mouth.
-This week you started saying "da da da", which Kipton thought was hilarious.
-This week you stated eating about every 4 hours
-You got to go to the playground for the first time with your big brother. You even slid down the slide, got on the swings, got on the see-saw, and climbed the rock wall. (j/k, that was your brother, but you'll be there soon enough)
-One of the cutest this is that you are very ticklish and we can make you laugh very easily now that we have discovered this detail about you.
-This week you stated eating about every 4 hours
-You got to go to the playground for the first time with your big brother. You even slid down the slide, got on the swings, got on the see-saw, and climbed the rock wall. (j/k, that was your brother, but you'll be there soon enough)
-One of the cutest this is that you are very ticklish and we can make you laugh very easily now that we have discovered this detail about you.
Kaden on the top and 3 months and Kipton on the bottom at 3 months
Sweet pea discovering his hands
Snuggling with mommy
Tummy time!
Pretty blue eyes
Siwwy boy
You like sitting up....I think it makes you feel older
4 Month Photo Shoot
Doctors appointment for your 4 month checkup and ended up finding out you had another ear infection. :(
Winter Fun with Kipton
Playing outside in the snow!
Got to try hot chocolate for the first time
You thought it was pretty tasty, and funny that you had a milk mustache
or a "Moostache" as you call it
At the hockey game with Pawpaw and Grammy
Snow day at home calls for Pirate adventures
Building a snowman
You were done at this point
Pretty Snow!
This is probably the first real snowman I've every built
Building a snowball fort
Got pelted in the face by Poppy. What does mommy do? Take a picture and then console you. ;) Memories right??
It was a fun snow day!! Kaden slept through it all
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