Friday, March 9, 2012

4 Months


So I'm a month behind in my posts....that just tells you how busy life with a baby has been!  :)

Went to the doctor for your 4 Month Check-up on February 7th and you now weigh 15.5 pounds and are 26 inches long!  You are 50th percentile for your head, 70th percentile in weight, and 90th percentile in height.  Big Boy!!

Here's what you did this month:

13 Weeks: 
-Mommy went back to work this week.  :(  But thankfully you have your Marmie, Grammy, and Aunt Teresa to help take care of you!
-You never stop moving.  You even twirl your feet when you eat (which apparently I did the same thing when I was a baby)
-You had our first "conversation".  I was taking you to Marmie's house and you were just a chatty little cathy in the backseat!  I would say something and then you would reply in your baby jabber.
-You laughed at the dogs for the first time this week.

14 Weeks:
-You started grabbing your legs when you lay down (mainly your knees)
-You held a toy for a while and tried to eat it for the first time
-Took paci out of mouth and put it back in yourself
-You laugh when we shake your hands/body

15 Weeks:
-You can hold your head up really well and can sit up on own while someone is holding your fingers
-Your favorite toy right now is the colorful ring toy
-Your 3 month outfits are getting tight at this point

16 Weeks: 
-You have taken a fascination to TV's
-You can sit up really well in your bumbo seat now
-We discovered that you LOVE to snuggle and gave you a lovie blanket and you fell right to sleep!
-Slept 12 hours straight two nights in a row
-Favorite song now is "5 Green and Speckled Frogs"
-You normally sleep from 9:00-8:00ish
-You learned you can scream this week and love hearing yourself.  :)

17 Weeks:
-You laughed/chuckled for the first time on February 5th
-You grabbed your foot or the first time in February 7th
-You screamed at yourself in the mirror
-Favorite toy now is your soft book, "What do you see?"
-Got in your bouncy seat for the first time (have to prop your feet up with a pillow though, because they don't touch)

Taking a nap on sunday afternoon with Daddy and your puppy lovie

One of your favorite toys this month

First time in the bouncy seat

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