Friday, February 20, 2015

3 Months

Kaden 3 Months

Height: Don't know since we didn't get to the doctor, but when I measured myself somewhere around 24 inches I believe.  (mommy wrote it down somewhere but lost it and now by the time I'm posting this if I measured now it probably wouldn't be accurate, so we're gonna say 24 inches).   As am proof reading this now I realize it's written down on the chalkboard.  Duh.   I'm only leaving this silly mistake for me to look back later on and remember I had baby brain.

Weight: Didn't go to the doctor this month, but when you got on the scale with me you were 12 lbs.  {Correction, 13 lbs. as written on the chalkboard . . . see above statement)

Milestones: You rolled over from your front to back at 9 weeks

Best Moment:  Going to Disney World!  Pictures to follow

Worst Moment:  I went back to work at the end of the month  :(

Extra Comments:

9 weeks

-Rolled over for first time (front to back)
-You love your big brother and smile whenever you hear his voice 
-You are such a good baby, but when you are hungry you get very angry and scream like no other until you get what you want.  No patience whatsoever for food.
-I have realized the you like to cry to go to sleep most of the time.  You can try and rock you and cuddle you, but that just makes you angry so you just lay down and cry for a little while and then conk out.
-One thing that helps you to sleep is to cover your eyes with a burp cloth or lovie and that helps you go to sleep
-You favorite toy is the bouncy seat.  You LOVE the bouncy seat and talking to the animals
-You gets ill on the playmat.  Not a big fan at this point.
-Sleeping on average from 10:30-8:30.  However, I have to get up and give paci around 5:00 every morning 
-So smiley all the time 
-Starting to put your fingers/fist in your mouth and gag yourself. 
-Everyone asks me if your always happy, and the answer is yes.  (except for when your hungry of course)

10 weeks

We went to Disney World this week and you did so good!  You stayed on schedule and only cried once on the plane and it was only for a couple of minutes.  You did really good on the trip, except for our one incident at the Starlight Cafe.  Mommy waited a few minutes late to feed you and by the time I sat down and got out my nursing cover you were gone.  Gone in the sense that you were screaming so hard you didn't even realize I was trying to feed you. 
On a positive note, you rode a few rides and even made it to a few character meet and greets.  Pictures to come in the next post!

11 weeks

You've really started to talk.  Your vocabulary is so big now, you even repeat after me when I say "ooh" you say it back! So smart that little Kaden.  ;)

12 & 13 weeks

-I've started letting you sleep on your tummy because you wiggle so much during your sleep that it wakes you up.  I have found that if you nap on your tummy you sleep much longer.  Which is good for everyone.
-I've starting reading books to you and your favorite (much like your brother at this age) is "who do you see?" a soft, picture book.  You try to read it to me with your big vocabulary.
-You got a stuffy nose again this week.   Your brother keeps passing it to you from school.
-You are trying to roll from your back to front  and are getting very close, but that darn shoulder just keeps getting in the way.
-You have a "spanky laugh" as Marmie says and chuckle when someone tickle or shakes you.  So cute.
-You now like laying on your mat and very much enjoy talking to the dangling animals from above.
-The downfall of the week is that I went back to work, which has been very hard for mommy.  But luckily you have a Marmie and Grammy who love to take care of you.

Growing Growing Growing!!

Ate some much you just couldn't keep your eyes open.

Trying to eat that hand and getting tickled at yourself

Sat in your Bumbo for the first time.  Not quite ready yet, but close!

Sweet little guy

Tricks to getting you to sleep

Cutest double chin I've ever seen

After church one pretty Sunday

Sweet Smiles

Big brother playing on the mat with you

3 Month Photo Shoot

Let's not forget about the best big brother ever:

Updates on Kipton:  POTTY TRAINED!!!

I think that phrase speaks for itself

New Camo hats from PawPaw

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