Thursday, June 30, 2011

Welcome to the Reynolds Rap

So, here it first blog post.  What in the world possessed me to start a blog you ask?  Well, a couple of reasons actually, but first I must list reasons why I have NOT started a blog until now.  The thoughts in my head have shunned me away from blogs for a long time....thoughts like "don't start a blog....blogs are for losers" because it seems that it is just a way of someone to narcissistically talk about themselves and write diary like a 10 year old school girl for anyone to read.....which is kinda creepy in a way.  BUT!....none the less here I am....writing to myself and actually very excited about this new blog thing.  :)  Not because I'm egotistic, but because of the following reasons:

For one (and the most important I might add), I am pregnant with a little boy that's due on October 6th.  :)  He is already the basis of my thoughts everyday and he's not even here yet...oh boy.  But I got to thinking about how in the world I will have enough time to keep precious memories of my pregnancy and his life growing up, since I hear it all happens so fast.  So, then I got to thinking well....I could start a blog to keep up with everything...BRILLIANT!  So, once the little guy gets here that is what will consume "The Reynolds Rap"....until then, here are some other reasons why I started the blog.

Recently I have become OBSESSED with refinishing furniture and starting all new crafts for my little Kipton.  Thanks to a lovely lady who has a blog called "Censational Girl" I have been truly inspired that I can take an everyday piece of furniture and turn it into a masterpiece....according to my standards that is.  So, while enjoying my summer off from teaching I have started a new hobby which I absolutely love!

Another hobby which I hope to be just as thrilled with is sewing.  My mother-in-law was nice enough to let me borrow her sisters sewing machine and I have yet to get started on those projects yet, but hopefully I will post pictures of my attempt to make a bib and burp clothes...we'll see how well that goes.  

Also, because of this blog I will be able to look back and see how my pregnancy journey was.  It is going by so fast and I want to be able to keep track of little day things that happened while Kipton was daily kicking me in my ribs.  :)

Lastly, I will keep myself and anyone else who wants to be entertained with the daily blog stories of the Reynolds family; currently made up of myself, my loving husband Matt, two hairy children Dixie and Lexi, and (soon to make his appearance in the world) Kipton.  :)

Thanks for visiting and more to come later!


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